What is my skin microbiome?
Our skin microbiome is a complex system made up of the trillions of microscopic organisms, mostly bacteria, but also fungi, virus and mites that live on and in our skin’s various layers,
The main microbes on the skin are cutibacterium, malezzia, staphylococci, and corynebacteria.
What does the skin microbiome do?
The skin microbiome plays a major role in the functions of the skin, including hydration, barrier function, sebum control and prevention of inflammation and infections.
It helps our skin with protection from pollution, allergens, pathogens, toxins, modern day stressors and even UV radiation
Why does the skin microbiome matter to the appearance of my skin?
Science shows that the skin microbiome controls inflammation, hydrates, exfoliates, balances sebum, stabilises the skin barrier, stops the skin drying out, and breaks down to form some of our favourite ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, cholesterol and lactic acid, all in just the right amount at just the right time.
Ultimately it is what keeps our skin looking healthy and prevents premature ageing.
The best thing you can do for your skin health and appearance is to have a balanced and happy skin microbiome .
The science of the skin microbiome disrupts the concept of skincare and the skincare industry as we know it but the microbiome is not going anywhere, so it is time to make the changes ourselves.
What is the skin microbiome threshold?
When your skin microbiome is diverse and balanced it sits above the microbiome threshold and the functions of the microbiome are all working and the skin is happy.
When it is not balanced the functions of the microbiome are not at their best and inflammation, dehydration, barrier impairment and skin disorders jump in. This is called skin microbiome dysbiosis.
Sensitive skin sits right on the microbiome threshold, sometimes in dysbiosis, sometimes not.
Because the microbiome and the skin barrier are in sync, this means the barrie his also impaired and then toxins and allergens can irritate much more easily.
With our Restore and Calm range we are aiming to move your skin abpve the microbiome threshold with microbiome and barrier care.
Does everyone have the same microbiome?
Your skin microbiome is unique for you, like your fingerprint.
Your microbiome knows what your skin needs and how to restore, it is trying to make it happen.
We just need to give it the tools it needs.
That why we chose prebiotic ingredients that works to build your unique skin microbiome. Feeding selectively the beneficial bacteria that can then the balance we need.
I haven't worried about my skin microbiome before, why start now?
If your skin is happy, healthy, not dry or oily and not prematurely ageing then that is a good thing and your microbiome is likely to be diverse and balanced.
Just be aware and respectful, if you do decide to use daily skin products choose ones that respect the skin microbiome so your skin stays that way.
If your skin is unhappy, inflammed or sensitive the root cause of this will be an imbalance or dysbiosis in the skin microbiome and an impairment in your skin barrier.
Choosing to use products that support and care for your skin microbiome and your skin barrier will be the best thing for you.
Modern living, over-use of harsh cleansers, pollution, skincare and cosmetics, pesticides, foods, UV, ageing, viruses and bacteria around us , medications, fabrics , our day to day exposure , how much we exercise, even stress can all contribute to variations in our skin microbiome. Ultimately causing variation in inflammation with on our skin and in our bodies. It is strong but fragile , a lot like our bodies.
Best to be kind to the skin microbiome.